How to measure your head size for wigs


 To determine the right head size wig for you is as important as choosing a style and color. It's easy to do and worth taking a few minutes of your time. Do you fall into the average cap, petite, ultra-petite, large cap size in wigs? For your wig to look, fit and feel its best, you'll want to take your head measurement first. While most fall into an average size cap, it's simply not the case for everyone. Skip the disappointment when your wig arrives and it doesn’t fit. So, let's help you get it right now. It's a one time effort well worth it.

  • Head Size - AVERAGE: (21.5" - 22.5" Circumference), (13.5" Ear to Ear), (14.5" Front to Back)
  • Head Size - PETITE: (20.5" - 21.5" Circumference), (13" Ear To Ear, (13.25" Front to Back)
  • Head Size - LARGE: (22.5" - 23.5" Circumference), (14" Ear to Ear), (15.5" Front to Back)
  • Head Size: CHILD: (18.5" - 19.5" Circumference), (12.5" Ear to Ear), (12" Front to Back)
  • Head Size: PETITE/AVERAGE: (21" - 22" Circumference), (13.25" Ear to Ear), (13.75"
  • Head Size: AVERAGE/LARGE: (22" Circumference), (13.75" Ear to Ear), (14.3/4" Front to Back)

You'll see as you shop our website for wigs a direct mention on each of the product pages, the "cap size." It's in the mix with the rest of the product's description that discusses the wig style, and other specifications and features.

Measuring Standards for Wiglets/Toppers

  1. Determine clients’ area of hair loss
  2. Using a fabric measuring tape, measure area from front to back; record results.
  3. Measure area from side to side; record results.

Additional Note: Be sure to factor in clip attachment on base. There must be a sufficient amount of hair to attach a clip to. An adhesive is a secondary option.

A quick note

Some wig manufacturer brands can vary slightly in wig cap size. One brand's petite, average, large, average-large etc. may be a little smaller or larger than another brand's size. Not usually considerable in terms of how much variance, however it's simply worth noting. If you fully measure your head size circumference, front to back and ear to ear and determine your wig size, then go with it in any and each brand. Also not uncommon, none of us have a perfect head measurement that will always fall exactly to the noted measurement wig guide above. It may entail your needing to have the cap altered slightly by someone familiar in working with wigs. This is easy to do, however, we recommend you incorporate a professional rather than doing yourself.

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